Enrichment is learning outside the classroom that gives you the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in life.
Enrichment includes things like: health and fitness (sport), volunteering and social responsibility.
Where can I find out what enrichment activities are on offer?
Visit www.bradfordcollegesu.ac.uk / www.bradfordcollegesu.co.uk
or email activities@bradfordcollege.ac.uk
The Students’ Union represents the students of Bradford College giving you access to advice, information and a voice on how things work.
If you are 16 years of age or older then you are automatically a member of Bradford College Students’ Union.
Course Representatives
Course Reps are a way for students to share their views, feedback and ideas with the college. Training is provided and it should only take up about 10-15 minutes of your time per week.
If you’d like more information about becoming a course rep,
email studentvoice@bradfordcollege.ac.uk
I want to find out more about the Students’ Union
We have lots of information on the website about Bradford College Students’ Union, but, if you can’t find what you are looking for then please contact us by
Email: s.union@bradfordcollege.ac.uk
Website: www.bradfordcollegesu.co.uk
Student Services
If you’ve got any other questions about the services available to students, email
Social Media